That's so cool!

That's so cool!

Chris L McClish

  • 0 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Apr 13, 2021
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Hosted by
Chris L McClish

Chris L McClish

Chris is a man with "Many roles, many journeys, and one spirit!"

Chris has served the community as an author, psychologist, life coach, fitness trainer, Judo/Jujitsu coach, master mindfulness practitioner, artist, woodworker, podcast host, and now has a career in a law enforcement role. He has also supervised others in positions such as being a clinical director, supervisor, and has been on the board of directors for mental health agency services.

Find out more about Chris at

Be sure and get Chris's book: Accepting Life on Life's Terms: Taoist Psychology for Today's Uncertain Times. Available at Also available in print form - available wherever you buy great books!
